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  1. 健康讲座

  2. 庆祝生日

  3. 卡拉OK

  4. 桌游

  5. 新春佳节庆典

  6. 复活节庆祝活动

  7. 双亲节

  8. 端午节

  9. 中秋节

  10. 圣诞节

  11. 下午茶

  12. 实地考察/户外一日游

  1. Health talk

  2. Birthday celebration

  3. Karaoke

  4. Tabletop games

  5. Chinese New Year celebration

  6. Easter celebration

  7. Parents' Day

  8. Dragon Boat Festival

  9. Mid-Autumn Festival

  10. Christmas celebration

  11. Afternoon tea

  12. Field trips/outdoor day trips

In addition to regular small group meetings, the VSOP ministry occasionally hosts special events and activities for the elderly members, providing opportunities to alleviate loneliness and establish closer relationships among them. The following are some examples of these activities for the elderly:

The VSOP ministry will continue to grow and provide care for the elderly in their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, while also fostering meaningful relationships that encourage growth and bring them into the peace and joy of God's presence, as it is God's desire and pleasure.

For More info:

Office 0390576664

Anna 012-3900823




Anna 姐妹(012-3900823)

The VSOP (Very Senang Old People) fellowship ministry was established in April 2015 and currently has 80 members. The main purpose of establishing the VSOP fellowship is to provide a gathering place for older brothers and sisters in Christ and other elderly people living near the church, to make good use of their time, and to foster communication through small group meetings. By expressing love and intimacy towards the elderly, the ministry seeks to establish genuine pastoral relationships with them.

The church holds VSOP small group meetings every other week, led by a group of volunteers from the church. The meetings provide opportunities for fellowship and encouragement between the volunteers and the elderly members. Each meeting typically includes ice-breakers, worship, theme sharing, and testimonies, followed by a prepared lunch for the elderly members.

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